Property Management

Finance and Property Management (DL131)

This course provides the basics of the accounting side of property management. The course explores terminology, tracking and budgeting, reconciliation, best practices and security, trust accounting and the NARPM Ethics of trust accounting.
  • Disclaimer
  • NARPM Disclaimer v10.9.19 w trans-narr
  • Course Orientation
  • Online Course Orientation No Narration 5.17.23.pptx
  • Terms and Concepts
  • Fin-PropMan-Intro_Terms_Concepts.pptx
  • Class Activity: Cornelius and Sally
  • Class Activity-The Phases of Accounting
  • Terms and Concepts Quiz
  • Terms/Concepts Statements SampleBalanceSheet.pdf
  • Terms/Concepts Statements SampleProfitandLoss.pdf
  • Terms/Concepts Statements SampleCashFlow.pdf
  • Tracking and Budgeting
  • Fin-PropMan-Tracking_Budgeting.pptx
  • Class Activity-The Revenue Side
  • Class Activity-Net Operating
  • Tracking and Budgeting Quiz
  • SamplePropertyManagementBudget.pdf
  • Trust Accounting
  • Fin-PropMan-TrustAccounting.pptx
  • Class Activity-Timing
  • Class Activity-Who gets the money?
  • Trust Accounting Quiz
  • Reconciliation
  • Fin-PropMan-Reconcilation.pptx
  • Reconciliation Quiz
  • Sample Management Ledger Report-Owners-Tenants-Non-Compliance
  • Best Practices Security
  • Fin-PropMan-BestPractices-Security.pptx
  • Class Activity-Blank Check
  • Best Practices Quiz
  • NARPM Trust Ethics
  • Fin-PropMan-NARPM Trust Ethics.pptx
  • Class Activity-Mixed Money
  • FULL Code of Ethics and Standards of Professionalism 1.1.21 (clone)
  • Finance and Property Management Final Exam
  • Finance and Property Management Final Exam
  • NARPM Ethics Student Course Survey (clone)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever